Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sharks and Fun at Charlotte's

Don't be fooled by the bathing suit,it's still pretty cold here, but will HOPEFULLY be warming up this weekend. I can't remember the last time we got such cold temps in March here. And yes a high of 66 with a low in the 40s is cold! How will I survive the winter in Little Rock?!

And then a sleepover at Charlotte's house included naked baby time in the bucket, trampoline jumping, Colin letting Charlotte dress him up in her angel wings, popsicles, a half hearted attempt of putting them to sleep in big boy/girl beds in the same room ( it lasted about 8 minutes) and lots more 2 year old fun...and the mommies had fun too.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Life at the beach

I've been REALLY enjoying our beach lifestyle. After living at my dads house for the last almost 2 years, it's nice to be just a family of 3. Today Evan got home at 4:30 from the hospital....4:30!!! So we headed out for an afternoon walk and stopped at a little dog park on the water. Colin was entertained with our game of throwing rocks into the water. It was a simple thing but I'm soaking in these simple things....

Saturday, March 2, 2013


4 eyes Colin. He found these in a doctors toy kit at his friend Liza Greer's house last night and kept them on for a good hour

And PS another "toddlerism"