Monday, September 30, 2013

Starting a little early

If Evan drinks a beer in front of Colin he starts whining that he wants one too. We've figured out how to fool him with his own cup of "beer" aka fruit juice. Sometimes we'll even go as far as pouring it into an empty can.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

It's a boy!

There were three things that made me think this baby was a girl:
1) the Chinese calendar said I was having a girl
2) my friend did the "ring test" on me and it predicted a girl
3) Every single time Colin was asked whether he wanted a brother or sister, he'd confidently and enthusiastically reply " Sista!"
I really thought those three things were strong indicators, but alas I was wrong and the biggest indicator to me that I was indeed having another boy is that this pregnancy has been almost the exact same as Colin's....easy. No morning sickness or nausea. Just tiredness in the first trimester that has diminished significantly in my 2nd trimester. I've had many friends who get pregnant for a second time with the opposite sex and have really different pregnancies so that was the biggest thing in the back of my mind that contradicted the other 3.

One different thing about this pregnancy is that I've felt this baby kick much earlier than Colin. I started feeling little kicks at 16 weeks, with Colin it wasn't until 24 weeks. This is because my placenta was anterior with Colin, which provided a barrier to feel the kicks and now my placenta is posterior, which is common after a c section, as implantation would have been hard anteriorly again with the scar tissue on my uterus ( according to Dr. evan) think of a name! Such a hard task!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Funny phrases

These aren't funny haha but funny to hear Colin saying these things to me, and I never want to forget his little toddler voice,

" Foll me" aka "follow me" whenever he wants you to come with him somewhere

"Scuse me" aka "excuse me" when Colin is trying to get my attention when I'm busy talking to someone else

"Bess you" aka "bless you" after you or he sneezes

"Tank you mommy" aka "thank you mommy" he says this multiple times a day and I love hearing it

" be careful mommy!" He must have heard this enough times bc if he thinks I'm about to do something risky like hang my head out the window at the ATM he'll tell me this

"Mommy!! all done sleep" when he wakes up and is ready for me to get him out of bed...he yells it from his room

Today at gymnastics class he told the teacher a couple times "watch me" when he did something. He also randomly pointed to his hair and asked her "see Colin's haircut" hilarious since his haircut is now a week and a half old not sure what made him think of that

"See, see!!" when Coljn does something he's proud of, he exclaims this while gesturing with his hands with both his palms up in the air.

"Baby sister in Colin's belly! " while lifting up his shirt. Colin is convinced he's having a sister and she's in his belly. I hope he's no too disappointed if this turns out to be a baby brother.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Colin is always a champ when he gets his haircut. He sits very still and his expressions while he takes it all in are hilarious.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Scenes from our trip back home

Colin and I just got back from a 10 day trip to Tampa. It felt so good to be back home and after the 1st day it really felt like we hadn't left, which if you walked into our rooms at my Dad's house it looks like we hadn't- everything was exactly as we left it, which was quite comforting. Colin didn't seem to miss a beat and fell right back into his "Florida life". We maximized our time with lots of pool fun,a trip to the beach, and time catching up with family and friends, we were really non stop the whole time!!
1) Colin at the beach
2) being spoiled by Pauline doing by laundry again was heaven!
3) Colin at my moms pool
4) Colin and Charlotte playing dress up at Rachel's house ( we had a fun sleepover)
5) Clark joining the picture
6) driving the dire truck at the children's museum
7) playing ball with Opa
8) in the airport on the way back to Little Rock with our cats
9) our cats missed us