Colin's language continues to grow and he really converses/talks so much now.
He really is quite the backseat driver and whenever we are in the car he always wants to know where we are going and how we are getting there. He even notices if I go a different way, just today I took a different exit to his gymnastics class, which we only go to once a week, and he asked if I'd gone the wrong way! I think he's got his mommys innate sense of direction :) it's also been a good opportunity to teach him left,right straight and behind as he is always asking which way we are going.
He is also repeating a lot of what we say so we have to be extra careful of our curse words now! Otherwise...repeat! He also repeats so many phrases I say to him.. just today he repeated shortly after me "that's correct!" to a different subject then what I had said that to... when he wants my attention besides saying "Scuse me" he'll say "look into mine eyes" because I apparently say something similar to him when I'm trying to get him to listen/pay attention. He really is pretty hilarious at this age, of course he also has his extremely stubborn moments and getting him dressed nowadays can be a challenge...luckily not because he has a preference in his clothes, just getting him to sit still is the challenge...he does definitely like to pick out his socks, undies and shoes, the rest I luckily still get to pick out.
All in all I really love this age. I hope to document as much as I can on this blog, it's nice to look back at different ages and I think will be interesting to compare what his brother will be like at similar ages.
The sticker chart
A much needed haircut
Visit to Santa, no tears or hesitation for the 3rd year in a row!