Today I was looking at C and are so BIG! How did my little baby get so big so fast? This is what C is up to at 7 months...
Still loves to put EVERYTHING in his mouth, esp. my keys...yea, great!
Is so close to crawling. He gets up on his knees and hands and rocks back and forth but hasn't quite figured out how to move yet. I am enjoying these last moments of immobility!
Has 2 bottom teeth and 2 top teeth that have just started to pop through! Teething hasn't been too big of a deal...just a little baby orajel and tylenol at night time seems to do the trick.
Eats 3 solid food meals a day, not showing preferences yet. He is starting to want to feed himself. Watching his face when he tries a new food is HILARIOUS!
He still drinks 4 bottles per day. like clock work.
Takes 2 good naps a day..1 hour to 1 1/2 hour esp if the nap is in his crib.
When he's not eating or sleeping, the boy is always smiling and such a HAPPY BABY! YAY!
Needs a hair cut...this is Daddy's dept. He has gotten several "look at that hair" comments. most recently from the deli guy in the grocery store this evening.
Still sits up like a champ and is very steady.
Weighs about 22 lbs- big boy!
Is not a big fan of the car seat right now. Can tolerate about a 15 minute drive before he's ready to get out and see what's going on.
Can click click with his tounge if I do it first.
Loves being outside.
Loves the kitty cats. Everytime he notices them he gets excited and starts to grab for them.
Still enjoys bouncing in his jumperoo.
I think his favorite place is still in his mama's arms. He loves to be held and luckily will let other people hold him with no problems.
I love you Colin, can't wait to see what the coming months bring!
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