Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The routine is there is no routine

I can safely say this is no longer true about 90% of the time in our household. Colin's schedule has been like clockwork for quite some time.
However...this baby decided to skip his morning nap today! I put him in his crib and he cried ( which is not entirely unusual as he'll occasionally cry for a few minutes before falling into his nap) BUT not today.Today, his cries lasted a while and then turned into blood curling "get me outa here" I did, and he proceeded to stay up until 2pm and then only slept for 45 minutes.
This Mom likes the morning naps, it's treadmill time, shower time, do my makeup and get ready for our day time. He's only almost 9 months old, I was just reading on one of my daily blog reads,the daily schedule of a 16 month old who had the exact schedule as Colin, so I thought to myself, yes!! Lots more time before C drops the morning nap. I hope it was just a fluke. I'm going to keep on trying the morning naps as long as possible! must have been a fluke as he is thankfully still taking his morning naps!

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