I don't think I'll ever tire of seeing this smile or doing everything in my power to get the big belly laughs out of Colin. It's not hard as his demeanor is just generally happy. He really thrives in nearly every situation I seem to put him in. It's hard to really tell at 10 months old, but I think Colin will be quite the social butterfly as he grows. He easily goes to other people ( even people he is meeting for the first time) and lights up around friends and family that he is familiar with. He's now really captured the heart of our housekeeper/caretaker/angel Pauline who is here three times a week. I know she looks forward to seeing him every morning she comes and he equally lights up with a big smile when he sees her. He is also an attention lover..I can tell he is especially in his element when he's with my mom and me at the same time....two women fawning over him really keeps him happy!
I often wonder how much his happiness and laid back personality is from nature vs. nurture. I will keep nurturing as long as he lets me!
what a beautiful post!