Here is a little video I captured of Colin walking tonight.
It still is amazing to see him toddling around. I'd say he walks about 60% of the time, crawls 40%. If he crawls, I pick him up and tell him that we walk now. He still loves to have you hold his hand while he walks.
Other new things:
- communication is blossoming every day. Although he is not talking yet,Colin understands A LOT! I talk to him like he is a little person, and am often amazed how he will follow my instructions or communicate back to me what he needs and wants.
If he wants to go outside ( which he seems to want to go outside CONSTANTLY) he knows he has to put his shoes on. So when I say it, he will go look for his shoes and bring them to me.
Today I told him we had to put mail in the mailbox, and he took the mail out of my hand, took my hand and led me to the mail box. He has been going there everyday on our walks lately because he likes to open and close it.
He knows and understands these words...ball, shoes, bath, bye bye, outside, clean up, book, wash hands, brush teeth, bottle time, breakfast ( when I say the last 2, he will take my hand and lead me to the kitchen),kitty cat, paci, and a lot more.
He knows where his belly button is, and will lift up his shirt to show it to me when I ask. He also does the same to me. He wrinkles his nose when I ask him where his nose is.
He likes to put the phone to his ear and pretend like he's on it.
He understands the remote control turns the tv on/off.
I think this is all amazing for a 13 month old ( ALMOST 14 month old). I think this year is going to bring so much in terms of development, and I can't wait to see his progress.
omg, I love when he pets Jake on the head. he's so cute!!