Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Colin update at 21 months

Before we know it December will be here and this baby of mine will be 2 years old! I'm treasuring every day and love seeing his development.

He seems to eat alot at breakfast, his hungriest time of the day. In the first couple of hours in the morning he usually has a cup or two of milk, a pack of raisins, applesauce, a yogurt,small slice of toast and either a banana with peanut butter or breakfast sausage. Lunch time seems to be light these days but his appetite at dinner is good. He LOVES the squeezy pouches and would prob eat 5 a day if I let him.

Lately Colin wakes up around 7:45am and plays in his crib about 15 minutes before I hear "Maaa"over the monitor to let me know he's ready to start his day. One nap from about 1:30 to 3 or 3:30. Down for bed at 8:15, and part of our new nighttime routine before bed is singing him a few lullabies before I put him in his crib, which is nice cuddle time for us :)

He says about 20 words, his most recent being "okay" and "up". It's so funny to hear him respond to me with "ok" me: "do you want to go to Gymboree Colin?" him: "oohhkay!"
He still doesn't say no or yes but has a very long exaggerated head nod for yes. Although at this point his vocabulary is small, I believe he understands everything so I talk to him as if.

Funny/amazing things he is doing:

When I get him dressed, I guess I've always told him since he was born how cute/handsome he looks, so now after he's dressed he'll stand back with a big smile and expectant look while I enthusiastically exclaim "how cute" or "how Cool" he looks.

He brings me flowers from his walks with Pauline or from the yard with a big grin on his face.

He loves taking showers with me or Evan and the second he hears the word he runs to the shower ready to get in.

He still loves his binkie or "b" as he calls it, we only let him use it in the crib or carseat and now insists you wash it off before bedtime.

He likes to build pretend boats with his Lego blocks

Loves being tossed around, thrown on the bed and is always asking to do it "again again"

Likes to help Opa, for example will bring him his slippers or walker when he needs them.

He really remembers things now. We were at the library and he remembered the week before I'd shown him a display of Lego boats in a different part of the library, so he wanted me to take him back to see the same display a week later.

He loves all his stuffed animals, I'll see him pretend with them like today when he pulled out the chair at his table to have his frog sit with him.

For a few months now he's been able to complete the board puzzles pretty easily.

Im sure there is so much more that I'm not listing and I'm really looking forward to the next year as his communication skills continue to grow.

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