Saturday, December 17, 2011

New teeth!

Colin has sprouted 3 new teeth in the past week! His lateral incisors and left 1st year molar. He has 9 teeth now. He was a bit fussy this week but he did pretty well and still slept ok. 9 down, 11 more to go!

Friday, December 16, 2011


These photos are from our Mom's group holiday party this week. The hostess,Liz, had her stepdad dress up as Santa for the kids. As you can see, no tears again with Santa, he was quite intrigued.

I have finished most of my shopping for Colin's Christmas and birthday presents. Of course I realize he won't remember, but I've gotten him a few things that I think he'll enjoy over the next year:

A radio flyer wagon...I think this will be great to have for trips to the beach next year. ( thanks Grandpa Marc for this one)
Melissa and Doug wooden tool box set- to help Daddy.
Melissa and Doug cardboard alphabet nesting blocks
A tumblekins car
A step stool that spells out his name in wooden block letters that can be removed ( I remember having one when I was a little girl). I think this will be a nice way for Colin to learn how to spell his name and great for when he starts standing to climb up to brush his teeth.
A ball pit to play in....his friend Kyler has one that he played in and he loved it.

Still on the wish list...A push walker.
Colin is not walking yet, but he HAS in the past week started to stand unassisted. It only happens for 3-5 seconds, but it is progress! I'm assuming standing is the precursor to walking, but I don't know if Colin will be walking by his 1st birthday, which is 2 short weeks away!!

I've been busy planning his party, I hope it is a fun day to remember!

Another new thing is Colin now says "mama". A week or so ago we were at Pottery Barn and I was distracted talking to the sales lady, Colin was fussing in his stroller and since I was distracted I didn't tend to him right away...well he decided to get my attention by shouting a very clear "MAMA!" boy did that get my attention! Since then, he now babbles mama quite often, it is nice to hear!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

When I was a little girl, my Mamour would have us over to her house to celebrate St. Nicholas Day. This is a holiday celebrated much more in Europe, it is the day that St. Nicholas aka our Santa Clause comes and visits the children to determine if they've been naughty or nice for the year. My brother and I would go over to her house and decorate and have Christmas snacks. I think occasionally we'd get a present.  I think it'd be a nice tradition to have here in the USofA...maybe I can do something special for Colin when get gets older. I can make St. Nicholas day the day we go to visit Santa!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday was a beautiful day

We spent the afternoon outside at yet another birthday party, this time it was baby Jackson's turn
The balloon is far more entertaining than looking at the camera

Colin enjoying a snack of blueberries on mommy's lap

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

10th month

Here we are on the eve of Colin's 11th month. I can't believe this baby of mine is going to be a year old next month! It's been the best 1st year so far, and I'm anxious to see what his 2nd year brings- I can't wait to hear his toddler voice and see his first steps.

But before I get ahead of myself, here's what Colin was up to in his 10th month!

- He learned how to wave! He doesn't quite do it on demand, but it is the cutest thing to see his little hand waving.
- Still loves avocados- has one every night for dinner and scarfs it down
- He had his first Halloween and trick or treating.
- Had his first Thanksgiving....he liked the green bean casserole.
- Got sick for the first time- croup and then an earache.... but he weathered it like a champ!
- Still sleeping well at night and taking 2 naps a day.
- Has explored many more food groups and started to refuse his jarred baby food, so he mainly has table food now.
-I keep thinking we're going to see some teeth pop through but nothing yet- still has 6, 4 up top and 2 on the bottom.
- Wears mostly 12 month clothing now and weighs 22 lbs.
- I've heard "dada" a few times and "mama" once, but I think he was mainly practicing his consonants, not actually calling us that.
- Learned how to eat his goldfish out his snack trap.
- Is a wiggle worm- getting his diaper changed is a challenge!
- Crawling at lightening speed and cruising all over the furniture
- Loves getting rides on mommy's or grandpa Marc's shoulders
- Motor skills continue to improve- he can play with his toys more effectively, for ex. he can put the balls inside the tubes of his toys .
- He had his first meeting with Santa...and did great!

Here's to many more great times ahead of us!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Already taking after his Daddy...

Evan keeps a mini library of textbooks by the bedside...Colin is so advanced, he's ready for Anatomy..

Hmm, maybe we should master " Head, shoulders, knees and toes" first.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Brush Brush Brush

I found these pictures on our computer tonight, I guess I'd forgotten them, I think they were taken a few months ago.
Every morning when I brush my teeth, I put Colin up on the vanity with me so he can brush his. He mainly just sucks on it but I hope he's getting the idea!

Farmer Boy...

I should have grabbed his farmer hat...oh, well, it's still cute... here is a picture of Colin on the tractor with my dad!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Roughing it...RV style

On Saturday, Colin and I drove an hour south to Bradenton Beach where my Mom was RVing for the weekend. She wanted us to check out her new ride...
Yes, my petite mom drives this all by herself!
Her spot was right on a canal that leads to the intercoastal, perfect for pulling up the boat!

After we got the tour of the beautiful RV and RV resort, we went for lunch on the beach followed by a nice walk....
Can't beat Florida in November with this weather...Colin also enjoyed his view!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Boy...

I don't think I'll ever tire of seeing this smile or doing everything in my power to get the big belly laughs out of Colin. It's not hard as his demeanor is just generally happy. He really thrives in nearly every situation I seem to put him in.  It's hard to really tell at 10 months old, but I think Colin will be quite the social butterfly as he grows. He easily goes to other people ( even people he is meeting for the first time) and lights up around friends and family that he is familiar with. He's now really captured the heart of our housekeeper/caretaker/angel Pauline who is here three times a week. I know she looks forward to seeing him every morning she comes and he equally lights up with a big smile when he sees her. He is also an attention lover..I can tell he is especially in his element when he's with my mom and me at the same time....two women fawning over him really keeps him happy!

I often wonder how much his happiness and laid back personality is from nature vs. nurture. I will keep nurturing as long as he lets me!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Beautiful Florida weather means..

trips to the playground.
Ah Colin is being so sweet..

Ok that lasted .2 seconds..."let me go so I can play"