Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's been a while since I've posted any photos, and to tell the truth...I've gotten bad at taking them. I am making a goal for Colin's 19th month to take more pictures than I have over the last few months.
Here Colin is playing in the shower. He knows I don't like him playing in there, but he does it anyways. I try to get him out but honestly most of the time he just flashes me his smile and it's hard to say no. He's lucky he's so cute.

 Suprisingly, since Colin has started walking at 13 months he's been wearing the same few pairs of shoes. Last week, we went to the store to get a new pair. There was another little boy there trying on shoes and Colin was quite interested watching him and started copying him. These shoes Colin picked out himself, he was pretty happy when he got home, wanting to try to put them on.

I'll hopefully be back soon with more pics and updates! They will probably involve playing outside, the sun, sand and pool, because that is all we do around here....life is good!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

18 months

Colin is 18 1/2 months old but we just had our 18 month check up on Friday.
Here are his stats:
Weight- 26 lbs 10 oz...it seems like he's been 25 lbs for ages so I was glad to see some weight gain, 52% tile
Height- 34.8 inches, 96% tile
Head Circumfrence- 19.5, 89%tile

He met all of his milestones. Before we went, I made a list of all the words he was saying. They asked if he was saying between 7-20 words, and he definitely is! Even if he isn't saying much, he pretty much understands everything you say to him.

Vocabulary: Mama, Dada, ball, book, duck, dog,keys, kitty,uh oh,blocks, mmm ( for more or moo for cow), gob gob ( for the sound a turkey makes), boat, baby, bleh ( for blanky),ei ei oh ( like old mcdonald), ew

Teeth: Colin has all of his teeth except for his two top 2 year molars. His bottom 2 year molars came in this month, and I didn't even notice until he opened his mouth one day and they were there! He has been a champion teether.

Other milestones they asked:
Can he walk backwards? Yes, and he loves to!
Is he throwing? You better believe it, he throws everything and can throw overhand as well
Can he eat with a spoon or cup? Yes! But I won't promise it isn't messy.

Colin loves giving kisses and hugs still, just today he went up to a little boy at the pool and gave him a big hug, so cute! I'm not sure though when he approaches a kid if he is going to hug or hit him so I have to constantly remind him to be gentle.

Favorite foods: morningstar california chicken pattys, grapes, yogurt, milk, yogurt covered raisins, "squeezys", chipotle chicken, chicken breakfast sausage, blueberries, banana, pb&j, grouper nuggets,carrots, sweet potatoes, avocado, and anything sweet we give him

Favorite activities: swimming! he has no fear and will jump right into the pool, he is trying so hard to swim but isn't quite there yet. playing outside with his ball, he esp loves having us throw the ball on the garage roof and watching it roll down, playing in his car, STILL getting into everything around the house that he's not supposed to, loves playing on Mommy's IPAD, and reading books

Dislikes: brushing his teeth, being buckled into his car seat, being told "no" esp when it involves trying to get some cookies from the fridge

18 months seems SO old to me, I'm slowly seeing my baby morph into a little boy. It is wonderful but bittersweet. I'm still cherishing every day with him and love seeing him develop and begin to understand the world around him. We love you Colin!