Thursday, November 21, 2013


We had a great time on the boat today. We were out for about 3 hours and it was the first time Colin and I had been on the boat since June. Colin loves going out on the boat and demands to go "faster faster" and also loves when there are big waves to bounce over. I love watching Colin and and Evan interact in the boat together. Colin is still very busy at almost 3, but the boat keeps him plenty occupied. He loves doing things like helping Daddy with the anchor, catching the bait out of the bait well with the small net, and of course reeling in his line. Today was the first time Evan put a hook on his little pole. Colin would help get the shrimp and after Daddy would bait and cast, he'd hold the pole and reel. He kept asking to reel it in " faster faster" but we were trying to teach him some lessons in patience by watching his bobber and waiting for the fish. He ended up catching two fish and reeled them in all on his own. He also has no qualms about touching the fish ( unlike his Mom) and grabbed the fish right away when it came out of the water. The same went for the bait fish, if one fell on the boat deck he had no problems scooping it up with his hand and putting it back in the well. I love that Colin will grow up on the water and it's one of our top reasons to come back to Florida when Evan finishes fellowship. It's been so nice for all of us to be back here this week, Colin is happier, Evan is happier and I'm happier.

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