Sunday, September 14, 2014

Dylan at 7 months

What he's eating:
2 solid meals a day, breakfast and dinner...most days we are out of the house for lunch, if we are home, I'll feed him lunch too. On his 6 month birthday we started him on solid foods. Since he still doesn't have teeth, it's mainly puréed baby food, but we are also doing table food such as smashed bananas, avocado, cottage cheese, yogurt, pasta...I'm pretty much letting him try everything now, and so far he is a great eater!!

What he's drinking:
Still nursing and taking 1 formula bottle a day. He nurses or has a bottle 4 times a day.

What he's doing:
Unassisted sitting at nearly 6 months.Crawling started at 6 months, pulling up to standing the last week or two. He's on the move!
Chewing on anything he can get his hands on, and like his big brother he loves the Sophie giraffe chew toy and teether
Playing with big brother , his favorite person in the world.
Always giggling and smiling

None yet!

Erratic. He goes to bed anywhere between 7:30 and 8pm, and wakes up anywhere between 7 and 7:30am. Sometimes he will sleep through that entire time, some times he'll wake and giving him his paci will put him back to sleep, sometimes he's hungry. Usually if he wakes up, its only once. Naps are also erratic as he sleeps his longest nap in the afternoon. At this age, he should be on a 2 nap a day schedule, but since we are on the go so much he'll take cat naps but take one good solid nap in his crib usually from about 3:30 to 5:30 everyday. Colin has transitioned to napping only 2-3 times a week, so I try to coordinate them napping at the same time. If Colin doesn't nap, I set a timer in his room and tell him he has to have "quiet time" in his room until his time is up, so far it works like a charm!

Taking a bath
hmm...pretty much that's it, he's an angel baby!

Trip to the Aquarium

Feeding himself his bottle

Morning snuggles

First time riding in grocery cart with Colin

Breakfast of cottage cheese and bananas

Go Gators!

Happy Boys!

They love to play in the crib together

Sorry to include this but look at that tush, I could eat him up! and he totally has his Daddy's booty!

Playing the piano at Baby Bungalow

Reddish hair

Playing with big brother

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