Monday, September 12, 2011


I didn't pack any baby food, diapers, or formula for our trip last week. I figured we'd get some at the closest grocery store to the resort...
Well, turns out, the ONE local grocery store in Hot Springs, VA DID carry formula and diapers but DIDN'T carry baby food. We'd have to backtrack 25 miles to the closet super walmart. That meant going back over the mountain on the windy road that made both Evan and I pretty queasy. So we improvised.
Colin survived on apple sauce for his morning breakfast and I improvised at lunch and dinner. One day it was some of my corn chowder soup, other days it was asking the chef to puree some sweet potatoes since I saw them on the menu. Colin usually eats 3 solid meals a day but with no baby food he didn't eat as much as he usually does. Fortunately his main source of nutrition is still from the 4-5 bottles he has every day and we had plenty of formula.
Now that we're back home and have a pantry full of baby food, he's back on schedule.

The Hot Springs, VA grocery store didn't carry our usual LUVS brand of diapers, so we tried out the Huggies Little Movers in the Jeans pattern...pretty cute!

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